Forging Against All Odds
Astrid, The Dragonslayer’s Blacksmith
This mini-novel introducing the Dragonslayer series is now FREE for a limited time – you just need to tell me where to send it.
When a stranger claims he has inherited Astrid’s home and her profession as a blacksmith, he also demands to be taught the technique for making a dragonslayer’s sword, a technique that Astrid has sworn to keep secret.
Now Astrid faces the threat of homelessness as well as losing the work she loves dearly – work that many say no woman has the right to do. With the odds mounting against her, Astrid must find a way to prove her worth and hold onto all that’s so dear to her.
What People Are Saying:
~ Mary Turzillo, Nebula Award winner
“The Dragonslayer series is a must read for any fantasy lover.”
~ Delia, Wolf Majick blog
“I can’t stress enough how much I appreciated having such a great main character – the book is worth reading for her alone.”
~ Kate, Epic Chocolate Factory blog